About us

WichteL`s  Land  GbR

Wichtel 1 --- Stephanie
Wichtel 2 --- Jeannette
Wichtel 3 --- Peggy
       our dog-lady

We  are  the  WichteL`s  country team
Our   motto:
Laughing  keeps  you  healthy  and beautiful.

Many people wonder about the company name and imagine something for our children. But that was originally planned. Since we got to know the company Vegas Cosmetics from Germany, which enabled us to open an online shop with their products, we also used it.
By researching (parabens or hyaluronic acid) we have found many things about our health and we would like to make them accessible on our home page.
Our motto is: Get healthy and stay healthy with Aloe Vera!

On our own behalf:      The websites for our wooden toys are in progress.
We did not forget her!

To  be  healthy  and  to  remain healthy  with  the  queen  of  all medicinal  plants
Aloe  Vera  Barbadensis  Miller!
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